Walnut Creek CDROM This volume combines three relatively small but powerful archives on a single diskette. Chris Thewalt (University of California at Berkeley, Civil Engineering) presents his interactive line editor library. Walter Karas (Cary, NC) contributes his implementation of the classic binary search tree with AVL balancing. Last, Christopher Sawtell (Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand) releases his Typing Tutor for use with Curses. All three are immediately available as CUG volume #395.

Index of /vol_300/395_01/

This volume combines three relatively small but powerful archives on a single diskette. Chris Thewalt (University of California at Berkeley, Civil Engineering) presents his interactive line editor library. Walter Karas (Cary, NC) contributes his implementation of the classic binary search tree with AVL balancing. Last, Christopher Sawtell (Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand) releases his Typing Tutor for use with Curses. All three are immediately available as CUG volume #395.


Copyright ©1995 Walnut Creek CDROM